A historical CCCG Sunset Mixer was held on March 18th, 2017 at Kanoa Resort Saipan by The Chinese Chamber of Commerce of Guam with Saipan Chamber of Commerce, and Saipan Chinese Association. Our Guam delegation which comprise of 30+ members had a full day of agenda that includes a breakfast briefing of the economy of Saipan presented by Mr. Jerry Tan and the team from Tan Holdings. A walk and bus tour of the current developments all over the island narrated by Mr. Ed Arriola. A tour of the casino by CEO Mark Brown from Imperial Pacific International also known as Best Sunshine, and a briefing of the new casino resort. The trip is so informative, we are looking to go back later in the year.

在三月十八曰、關島華商總會首次以歷史性到訪美國塞班島,是次訪問是會長歐陽逢輝帶領其下理事、幹部及會員,一行三十多人作親善及發展和投資的考察訪問。這次訪問得與當地部分政府官員、塞班商會及塞班中華總會首次接觸和商談有關的事務。當天早上的活動,早餐在Fiesta Resort Saipan 以陳祖儀(陳氏控股公司主席)用簡短而精細的介紹現在有關及過去的比較。隨著有短暫的十五至二十分鐘步行及視察正在趕工的超宏偉酒店、賭場及娛樂場。接著有Mr. Ed Arriola 導遊帶領用巴士送我們作環島觀光及視察最近的發展。午餐設宴在陳祖儀府邸。下午有博華太平洋國際控股有限公司的首席執行官馬文邦Mr. Mark Brown帶領大家進入其賭場及介紹其業務。最後晚宴在Kanoa Resort舉行,參與的有塞班商會及塞班中華總會。這次的旅程令我們得以增廣見聞,我們更期待會有下一次的活動。