
Chinese Chamber of Commerce of Guam President George Lai (center above photo) presented a check in the amount of $28, 975.00 to Ms. Chita Blaise, Chief Executive Officer of the American Red Cross Guam Chapter on Wednesday, November 20, 2013...

CCCG, through the leadership of President Lai, originally raised $20,000 in funds for typhoon relief in the Philippines.The Board of Directors later determined that providing medical supplies to the poor in the Philippines through the assistance of the Ayuda Foundation was an...

Attended by his immediate family members, island dignitaries and close family friends, Dr. Tan Siu Lin celebrated his 83rd birthday on October 18, 2013 at Fiestan Tasi Banquet Room, Fiesta Resort in Tumon Bay.  The festivity began with the traditional...

The Chinese Chamber of Commerce of Guam has been participating in the World Summit of Chinese Entrepreneurs since its 2nd Summit held on October 18, 2005 in Macao.  Only three delegates from CCCG attended the Summit in 2005 (Former President...

Second time's a charm… I remembered returning to New York after finishing the Fortune Dragon Gala, and the first thing I did was tell my Sass N' Betties' team that in a year's time, we would all be traveling to Guam...

Mr. George Chiu, Executive Vice President of Tan Holding Inc., and the President of the Chinese Association of Guam had the distinguished honor of chairing the 2013 American Red Cross Red Ball on September 21, 2013.  The annual gala with...

In light of the great success for having a car show in our previous Mixer, the program – Mixer Committee had decided to repeat the same. The CCCG Spring Mixer 2013 was held on May 15, 2013 at the Hyatt...

Second times a charm...

Baron Pierre de Coubertin, a French educator and historian and perhaps better known as the founder of the modern Olympic Games more than a century ago, once remarked that “For each individual, sport is a possible source for inner improvement”. ...

CCCG continued its humanitarian cause to provide toys to needy children in our island community for the fourth consecutive year since 2009. [gallery link="file" columns="5" ids="339,340"]...