
September 22, 2016 - The Chinese Chamber of Commerce of Guam President Benson Au-Yeung, VP Jack Chan and Sports Chairman Alex Au-Yeung presented the check from the proceeds on our 2016 CCCG 2nd Annual Classic Golf Tournament. 九月卄二日,關島華商總會,會長歐陽逢輝及副會長陳偉華以支票捐贈儀式,張高爾夫球賽部分收益捐贈到 "ERICA'S HOUSE"。 [modula...

The Chinese Chamber of Commerce of Guam is honored to support the Guam Nikkei Association: 2016 Lantern Floating Ceremony at the Governor Joseph Flores Memorial Park September 10, 2016 with 400 lanterns floating by the Tumon Bay. 九月十日,關島華商總會參與Nikkei Association 2016年度放浮燈紀念會,共有四百浮燈在海面,是紀念我們已經往生的致愛,好友及先人,場面非常感人。 [modula...

August 31, 2016 – The Rotary Club of Northern Guam President Wayne Santos and members volunteered to help serve with the Chinese Chamber of Commerce of Guam during August monthly feeding the homeless. CCCG has been continuing with this great...

August 10, 2016 - The Chinese Chamber of Commerce of Guam attended the press conference for the upcoming 2nd Annual Lantern Floating Ceremony at Ypao Beach on September 10, 2016. CCCG President Benson Au-Yeung, EVP Peter Chui and VP Mark...

July 27th, 2016 - The Chinese Chamber of Commerce of Guam President Benson Au-Yeung spearheaded the Kamalen Karidat feeding with the help of Bank of Guam, CCCG Vice President Albert Wu, CCCG Sports Co-Chair Andrew Park and Panda Crew to...

June 29, 2016- "Kamalen Karidat Feeding for the hungry and homeless" Chinese Chamber of Commerce of Guam Secretary General Nancy Tan spearheaded the feeding this month with the help of Moylan's Agana staff,CCCG Vice President Albert Wu, CCCG Executive Administrator...

The CCCG Spring Mixer 2016 was held on May 12, 2016 at Tumon Sands Plaza. Again, great leadership by our President Benson Au-Yeung and the Spring Mixer Committee Chair Edson Lai and the committee members working with their hearts and souls...